My Experience With The OQLF New Exam
This year, I challenged myself to take the OQLF new exam. I want so share my experience with it for those who are preparing to take the exam.
How to register for the exam?
I registered through the professional order I’m affiliated with. They sent an application form for the OQLF exam when they mailed me my temporary license to practice.
After I filled up the form, I sent it back to OIIAQ and they sent it to OQLF. OQLF then emailed me to confirm my address and after a week, they sent a mail confirming my exam schedule.
This process is similar with the process stated in the frequently asked questions in the OQLF website:
“To register for the exam, you must complete a registration form. You can get this form through the professional order to which you want to belong, or even, if you are a student through the registrar’s office at the institution where you study. Fill in the first part of the form, add a recent photograph printed in color on photographic paper and give this form to the professional order or to the registrar’s office of the institution where you study, as applicable. It is important to add your photo to the form, because the representative of the order or educational institution must verify your identity and sign your request. The professional order or educational institution will send the form to the Office. Upon receipt of your application, you will be registered for the exam and will receive deadline of three months or less, a letter of invitation to the exam indicating the time, date and place where it will take place.”
What are the rules for the OQLF new exam?
Here are the important things you should know about the OQLF new exam:
- The are four parts – 1: Reading, 2: Listening and Speaking in a group, 3: Writing and 4: Listening and Speaking one-on-one.
- The exam is progressive. You can proceed to the next part if you passed the previous part. If you fail a part, you cannot proceed and the next time you retake the exam you will have to restart from part 1 again.
- During the exam, you can request to stop whenever you feel overwhelmed. You will be accompanied outside the exam room.
- There is no fee to take the exam. It is 100% free!
- You can take the exam as much as you want, there is no limit. However, each time you fail you have to wait for three months before you can take it again.
- Whether you pass or fail, you will receive the result of your exam via mail within 10 days after taking the exam. The results will be transmitted as well to your professional order.
Four Parts of the New OQLF Exam
1. Reading
The first part is reading. You will be given a paper with two parts. The first part is a case presentation with all the details about the patient being presented. The case is the same for everyone taking the exam for that day.
The second part is a scenario about the case. Each of the participant is assigned with different scenarios related to the case.
The goal of this part is for you to understand and absorb all the information about the case. You will be encouraged to write down notes. This part prepares you for the next part of the exam.
Time limit: 15 minutes
2. Group discussion
This part evaluates your listening and speaking skills through your participation in a group discussion. Each one will be given a chance to talk about the case and their scenarios. The facilitator of the exam will ask questions whenever important details are not mentioned. You should aim to talk about the case and your assigned scenario as much as possible. You will be encouraged as well to ask questions and write down notes.
This part is video recorded. Remember that you are not being graded for your nursing knowledge. They just evaluate your communication skills.
Time limit: 20 – 60 minutes
3. Writing
The task for this part is still related to the case. Generally, you will be asked to write a report about the patient based on the information you learned from the group discussion. Only the relevant and important information should be reported. There might be additional tasks as well that you will need to write related to the case.
Time limit: 60 minutes
4. One-on-one interview
This is the last part of the exam. You will be brought to a room with the examiner. The examiner will act as a patient and he will ask questions about the case. You, as the nurse, should address the concerns of the patient accordingly.
You will be graded on how well you answered the questions of the examiner. All information should be related to the case.
Time limit: 15 minutes
More Information
You can find more information about the new exam in this guide published by OQLF. You can also find a list of documents you can check for more information about taking the exam.
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