This Disclaimer and Disclosure Policy made by NurseList is valid as of August 01, 2019. It covers as well as the social media channels subsequently owned in Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram.
Disclaimer Policy
The posts featured in this blog is made for general information / entertainment purposes only. We make no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind in our posts. Information on this website may contain errors or inaccuracies; we do not make warranty as to the correctness or reliability of this blog’s contents. Any reliance you put in the information provided in this blog is strictly at your own risk.
We claim no credit for any images/videos featured on this site unless otherwise watermarked or noted.
We may link to other websites in our posts for additional supporting information. We have no control over the nature, purpose, availability and vulnerability of these websites. Inclusion of these links doesn’t mean that we recommend or we are in accordance with the views and philosophies of the mentioned website.
We may feature ads on this website. We have no control over the nature, purpose, availability and vulnerability of these ads. Inclusion of these ads doesn’t mean that we recommend or we are in accordance with the views and philosophies of the featured company or business in the ad. You are at your own discretion and risk in interacting with these ads.
Under no circumstances will NurseList be held liable for any loss or damage arising from loss of data or profits arising out of, or in connection with, the use of this blog.
Disclosure Policy
NurseList is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and affiliated sites. We include products linked to as featured in some of the posts in this website.
We may be compensated to write a product review on this website. Under this circumstance, we will inform the readers about the sponsored post for full disclosure. However, we are still fully committed in providing honest and thorough reviews, opinions and experiences in these sponsored posts.
We are compensated for ads displayed on this website.